Go to - Customers- Click on Create customer-
Update the Basic Details
Name :- Customer Name ( ex. Kruthika Shetty)
Phone No :- 987456321
Customer Number :- Give a customer number of your own (ex. Pink-01)
Email ID :- Customer email id (ex. kruthika@gmail.com)
Customer Group :- Default
Birthday :- ex. 25/12/1990
Anniversary :- ex. 13/06/2010
Note :- Any specific notes about the customers can also be added.
You can create the detailed customer profile as well.
Click on Detailed:-
You can enable or disable the SMS and Email notifications for appointments and offers as per customer choice.
You can enable or disable the OTP for Spa pack, wallet and Membership credits redemption.
Fixed discount for any particular customer if you want to can be updated
If Customer wants any preferred Employee you can set the preferred employee for that customer
Customer Address can be updated.
How to Create Groups?
By Creating Groups it will be easy to categorize the customers
for ex.- Regular customer
VIP customers
Premium customers
Walk-in customers. etc.
Update Group Name:- (ex. Walk-in )
Description :- (ex. Walk-in's Default Group)
Color :- Select color
Discount :- Add a discount if you want to give special discount to the group
Cash Back :- Enable or disable the cash back option